Village Clerk – Treasurer
Jada A. Burgess
119 Park Avenue, Medina, NY 14103 – Clerk-Treasurer’s Office
585-798-0710 ext 2
Fax: 585-798-0771
M-F | 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Miranda R. Herbert
Deputy Clerk Treasurer
585-798-0710 ext 2
Water Billing
Call the Village Clerk at (585)798-0710 option #2 for all questions about your water bill.
Notary Public
There are Notary Publics available in the Village Clerk’s Office
Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
The blank voucher and other forms can be found on our forms and applications page.
Village of Medina Budget 2024-2025
Village of Medina Budget 2023-2024
Village of Medina Budget 2022-2023
Approved Budget 2021-2022
Birth Certificate
Application for Copy of Birth Certificate
General Instructions:
- Do not use this application to submit your request by fax.
- Use this application only if you are the person named on the birth certificate or that person’s parents.
- We only process certificates in our office if an individual was born at Medina Hospital.
- Do not use this application for genealogy requests.
- Print a copy of this application, complete and sign.
- Submit application along with a money order and a copy of the required documentation (see below).
- Include money order for $10 for each copy requested payable to the Clerk. Do not send cash.
Note: Payment submitted from foreign countries must be made by an international money order. Do not send cash. Identification Requirements: Application must be submitted with copies of either A or B: Note: Copy of Passport required if request is made from a foreign country that requires a U.S. Passport for travel.
A. One (1) of the following forms of valid photo-ID:
- Driver license
- Non-driver license
- Passport
- Other government issued photo-ID
B. Two (2) of the following showing the applicant’s name and address:
- Utility bill or telephone bill.
- Letter from a government agency dated within the last six (6) months.
If no record is on file, a No Record Certification is issued and the fee is not refunded. Completed requests will be returned by first class mail unless a pre-paid return mailer for overnight delivery is provided with the request. You can print out a blank copy of the form and then type or print the required information. Be sure to sign the form before mailing and include a money order with copies of the required identification. Return form and required ID to: VILLAGE OF MEDINA REGISTRAR 119 PARK AVENUE MEDINA, NY 14103 Include a money order for $10.00 to cover the cost of the certificate. Checks will NOT be accepted. MONEY ORDER ONLY.
Death Certificate
General Instructions:
- Do not use this application for fax requests.
- Use this application if you are the spouse, parent or child of the deceased.
- If you are not the spouse, parent or child of the deceased, then you must submit with this application a copy of documentation establishing a lawful right or claim (see below).
- Use this application only if the death occurred in New York State outside of New York City. Do not use this application if the death occurred in any of the five (5) boroughs of New York City.
- Do not use this application for genealogy requests.
- Print a copy of this application, complete and sign.
Submit Application with money order for $10 for each copy and a copy of any required documentation (see below):
- Include money order payable to the Clerk for $10 per copy.
- Do not send cash.
Note: Payment submitted from foreign countries must be made by an international money order. Do not send cash.
What is a lawful right or claim?
- If the applicant is not the spouse, parent or child of the decedent, a lawful right or claim must be documented.
- An example of a lawful right or claim would be a death record needed by the applicant to claim a benefit.
- Documentation would consist of a copy of a court order or an official letter verifying that a copy of the requested death record is required from the applicant in order to process a claim.
Identification Requirements — Application must be submitted with copies of either A or B:
A. One (1) of the following forms of valid photo-ID:
- Driver license
- Non-Driver Photo-ID Card
- Passport
- Other government issued photo-ID
B. Two (2) of the following showing the applicant’s name and address:
- Utility or telephone bills
- Letter from a government agency dated within the last six months
If no record is on file, a No Record Certification is issued and the fee is not refunded.
- Completed requests will be returned by first class mail unless a pre-paid return mailer for overnight delivery is provided with the request.
- You can print out a blank copy of the form and then type or print the required information.
- Be sure to sign the form before mailing and include a money order.
Return form and required ID to: VILLAGE OF MEDINA REGISTRAR 119 PARK AVENUE MEDINA, NY 14103 Include a money order for $10.00 to cover the cost of the certificate. Checks will NOT be accepted. MONEY ORDER ONLY
General Instructions
- Use this application only for genealogy requests.
- Print a copy of this application, complete and sign.
- Submit application with a money order and a copy of any required documentation (see below) to Clerk.
- If no record is on file, a No Record Report will be issued and the fee is not refunded.
For standard search:
- This includes a three (3) year search.
- The fee is $22.00 per copy.
- The fee is for each name or type of record requested.
For long search:
Available Records
- No information shall be released from a record unless the person to whom the record relates is known to the applicant to be deceased.
- No information shall be released unless the record has been on file for a minimum required period:
- Birth records must have been on file for at least 75 years, death records for 50 years, marriage records for 50 years (both parties to the marriage must be deceased).
- The time periods above are waived if the applicant is a descendant and provides documentation of direct line descent.
- A party acting on behalf of a descendant shall further provide documentation that the descendant authorized the party to make such application.
You can print out a blank copy of the form and then type or print the required information. Be sure to sign the form before mailing and include a money order, along with copies of any required documentation.