Historical Society
Orleans County Chamber of Commerce
Veteran's Organization
Butts-Clark Post 204
Address: 305 Main Street, American Legion, Medina, NY 14103
Originally chartered on August 8, 1919, as the James P. Clark Post #204, the Legion name was later changed on July 19, 1954, and called the Butts-Clark Post #204 in honor of both James Clark and John E. Butts. Since its incorporation as an American Legion in January of 1946 the Legion has gradually grown to assist not only in veterans affairs, but in all areas of the community and region.
Join with the other 3 Legion Posts in the County and have a picnic at the V.A. Hospital in Batavia in June. Color Guard at Medina Canal Festival and Parade with the Lincoln Memorial Post 1483 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Leo Grabowski Memorial Chapter 202 Disabled American Veterans in July. Contribute to the 8th District American Legion on the Christmas Fund for the V.A. Hospital in Batavia in August. Select Post Legionnaire of the Year in September. Bingo Game at Batavia V.A. Hospital, snack & canteen books in December.
Butts-Clark Post American Legion Cubs Little League Baseball Team Sponsor since 1969. Sponsor an 11th grade student to American Legion Boys State. Sponsor a student to the American Legion Oratorical Contest. Sponsor Butts-Clark Post American Legion Girls Powder Puff Baseball team since 1976.
Fire at all Veterans Memorials with other Veteran Groups on Veterans Day in November, plus the County Memorial. All Veterans Groups in Medina Area place flags on graves in May. Fire at Cemeterys, memorials and the Memorial Day Parade with Medina area Veteran Groups. Contribute to the County American Legion who sponsor a 1st and 2nd year Nursing Student in college. Present Legion Award Certificate to 2 eighth grade students. Present American Flags to any Foreign High School Students. Rifel Squad, Color Guard with other Veteran Groups for Military Funerals in Medina area. Delegates to monthly County Legion meetings, 8th District American Legion (8 Counties) 6 times a year, and the State Department of New York American Legion Convention in July.
Ring bells for the Salvation Army.
Lincoln Post 1483 VFW
Address: 216 East Center Street,
WJ Gallaher & Son Memorial Veterans Club, Inc. Medina, NY 14103
Club for Veterans of Foreign Wars
Do Military Funerals as requested, put on dinners, also small Wedding, Shower, Anniversary and Birthday Parties
Fraternal Organizations
Senior Citizens
Service Organizations
American Red Cross
Address: 421 Main Street, Medina, NY 14103
United Way
Address: 421 Main Street, Medina, NY 14103
Orleans Habitat for Humanity
Address: PO BOX 288, Medina, NY 14103
Website: www.orleanshfh.org
Three homes built in Medina for “a hand up not a hand out”.
Volunteers are always welcome!
Girl / Boy Scouts
Lake Plains YMCA
Address: 306 Pearl Street, Medina, NY 14103
Website: www.geneseeymca.org/Loc…/tabid/129/Default.aspx
- Nurtures the Healthy Development of Children
- Encourages Positive Behavior in Teens
- Strengthens Families
- Helping our community Become safer and Healthier
- Youth Sports Leagues
- Adult sports Leagues
- Aerobics
- Fitness Center
- School’s Out
- Day Camps
- Progressive Swim classes
- Swim Team
- Special Events
- After School Care
- Tournaments
- Babysitting Available (with enrollment)
- Nautilus Center Universal Gyms
- 4 Stair-climbers
- Aerobics Room
- Rowing Machine
- All Purpose Room
- Exercise Bicycles
- Wise Middle School Pool
- 2 Regulation Basketball Courts
- Men’s/Women’s Locker Rooms
- 2 Racquetball Courts
- Sauna
- Free Weights (Strength Training)
- 3 Treadmills