Fire Chief: Matthew C. Jackson
600 Main Street, Village Hall, Medina, NY 14103
Fax: 585-798-1610
Captain: Jonathan Higgins
Captain: Michael J. Young
What we do
Fire Protection & Prevention, Ambulance & EMS Services
The Medina Fire Department protects 6,700 people living in an area of 4 square miles. We operate out of 1 station that protects a primarily residential area. Our department is a public department whose members are on a combination of paid staff and volunteer call-men.
Our Services:
- Emergency Medical Services
- Inter-facility Ambulance Transports
- Fire Prevention and Education
- Fire Suppression
- Fire Safety Inspections
Our 4 ambulances provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) to residents of the Villages Medina and Lyndonville and the Towns of Shelby, Ridgeway, and Yates. All of our career firefighters, and some of the call-man firefighters, are trained as Emergency Medical Technicians, Intermediate EMT’s, Critical Care EMT’s, or Paramedics. The EMS section of the Fire Department operates on a cost recovery system. In other words, the Department does charge a fee for treatment and transport. However, at no time will services be denied because of inability to pay.
We are contracted with Medina Memorial Healthcare Systems to provide inter-facility transfers for patients from Medina Hospital to surrounding Medical Facilities in Buffalo and Rochester. We also provide transport services for local nursing homes.
The goal of Fire Prevention and Education is to reduce the loss of life and property in our community. The basic design for effective fire fighting should include practical fire prevention efforts in conjunction with other fire suppression activities. When a strong prevention program is incorporated into the daily routines of firefighters we can expect a reduction in tangible fire loss.
Fire suppression systems are used to extinguish or prevent the spread of fire in a building. Suppression systems use a combination of dry chemicals and/or wet agents to suppress equipment fires.
For further information about our fire suppression services please contact us.
Medina Fire Department conducts Fire Inspections for your safety.
For further information contact the Fire Department:
600 Main Street, Village Hall, Medina, NY 14103